Individual Recovery

Are you alone and battling unwanted sexual behaviors, sex addiction, or Intimacy Anorexia? Is your marriage over and you think you can’t be in a relationship again because of the choices you made? Maybe you’ve received the ultimatum from your spouse, “Get help or we are done!!”. Whatever the reason, you get to do recovery on your own. I have good news, you don’t have to do this by yourself, let me come alongside you and help you with your recovery. There is hope and help available!

You may be single or divorced but you were in a relationship with a sex addict or an intimacy anorexic. You may be married to a partner that is unaware and unwilling to see the abuse and trauma you’re living in. The pain that you feel today is the result of the past. Together, we can uncover all the areas that their behaviors have affected you. We can put your life back together again. You can be equipped and empowered to deal with the pain and put it behind you.