Joel is approachable, he’s not intimidating, and he speaks to me at my level.  Joel expects me to do my work but he doesn’t come down on my case if I don’t get everything done that he’s asked me to do.  I feel like Joel understands because he’s been in the same position.  He has been fair with costs – charging accurately for the time we spend with him and he works with our schedule so we’re able to go and see him.  Joel has offered very affirmative and encouraging feedback whenever we’ve met with him.

Rather than buying “stuff” I don’t need or slightly increasing retirement accounts, I see choosing to work with Joel as an INCREDIBLE INVESTMENT in the years (decades!) to come.

Joel is eager to encourage but wisely understands when to be firm.  He takes his knowledge and firsthand experience to dramatically deepen the impact of the exercises to a level I didn’t know was possible.  I sometimes call him my “Ninja Guru” coach since he has repeatedly brought incredible insight to things I thought I knew about on my own.

Purity, intimacy, and PEACE from the fear of what “might” happen in the future is worth every penny.  Connect with Joel, walk through the process, and enjoy the confidence that comes from being transformed.

When we first started going to Joel, we were not in a very good place. Our 29-year marriage was joyless and sexless. We weren’t sure how to get unstuck and we weren’t sure if our marriage was going to survive. However, it didn’t take very long at all for things to turn around once we started receiving coaching from Joel. Within a short period of time, Joel identified some root issues and then we received some really helpful tools from him. When we implemented them, we were able to get to a much better place.

That was a whole year ago and our marriage is still doing great! We are both so thankful for Joel’s help – it truly made all the difference in the world! We highly recommend any man or couple who needs help in this area to work with Joel.

When I first started with Joel at Restoring Hearts, I was in an extremely emotionally distraught place in my life. Having worked through personal trauma up to this point in a variety of ways – medications, talk therapy, groups, and on my own – I had reached another plateau of confusion. A familiar question arose for me: “Why does this (situation, behavior, emotional distress) keep happening?” Life was intensely emotional and I was devastatingly depressed. Through this work with Joel, I discovered that though I knew so much intellectually about what was happening in my life, there remained a serious disconnect: between my mind, and my heart & body. I’ve heard it said that deep work is not for the “faint of heart.” I’ve come to completely disagree. I’ve always considered myself highly sensitive and so I believed that if I delved deep into what I consider to be the “unthinkable,” I would be completely destroyed. In this work with Joel he helped me to see that actually the opposite is true; it is the “unthinkable” that destroys us when left in the dark. This is only one example of a perception shift that this work brings. The work Joel has helped me navigate through is tough, no doubt. But Joel’s guidance has made all the difference to me. Committed to his own healing journey, he is completely transparent about that. His compassionate and committed approach has made this part of my journey feel like a victory.

I heard about Joel through an acquaintance at work telling me about her experience. A little over a year later I found myself searching for his name on Google. I had experienced betrayal from my husband. I can honestly say that Joel has saved me and my marriage. I know that I would not be where I am today without him. His experience, empathy and knowledge are so powerful. Calling Joel that very first time was one of the hardest calls I have ever made but I am beyond thankful that I did.

I am so amazed and grateful for the methods Joel uses to address past hurts and pain. I was dealing with a lot of anger and feelings of shame from my past. Over the years, I had tried multiple avenues to address these feelings, but never felt completely restored. This is the first time in my adult life that I can say I am walking in spiritual, mental, and emotional freedom, without the shame of my past haunting me. So very grateful for God’s healing hand through Restoring Hearts.

Joel has been a tremendous blessing in my life, my husband’s, and to our marriage. Over the past six months, we have been working with Joel together as a couple and individually. In that time, we have identified how intimacy anorexia and sexual addiction have impacted our lives, actions, decisions, and relationships. The tools and strategies Joel utilizes have allowed us to begin the healing process. Joel is approachable, encouraging, and tailors his services to meet our needs. We have felt empowered and supported throughout the process. While certain topics may be uncomfortable to discuss, Joel’s style creates a safe space to share and discuss. He is empathetic and compassionate which allows for work to be completed without feeling shame, guilt, or fear. Joel is a coach and advocate. His foundation is built upon Christ, and he finds unique ways to incorporate the Word of God within his services. Joel also has the awareness to bring in other support and resources. He has provided us with access to support groups, reading materials / workbooks, videos, activities, and accountability tools. These tools transfer into everyday life. All this is done in the spirit of recovery. Without Joel, his wife (Megan), and the resources to overcome intimacy anorexia and sexual addiction, our trauma would have gone untreated, and our marriage would have dissolved. 

Now, we look forward to the future! We thank God for placing Joel in our lives at a time filled with darkness and hopelessness. If you are looking for freedom, Joel will join you on that journey!

I’ve been working with Joel for several months now and I can say that I have finally had my eyes opened to the destructive behaviors of the sex addict I’m married to. For years I have felt so crazy and so alone in my marriage but with the help of Joel, I’ve been able to identify the issues of my spouse along with working on my own issues.

I am deeply grateful for Joel and the way God is using him to shape my heart and mind. I have struggled with pornography addiction for 13 years and have often felt there was no way out. Joel is walking alongside of me and demonstrating what it looks like to become the man God has designed me to be. I am beginning to move towards being healthy for the first time in what seems like forever. If you have been considering pursuing help, I implore you to take a step. You never know what God might do with it.